
A quicker recovery with biochemical improvement

Brži oporavak biokemijskim poboljšanjem:

A quicker recovery with biochemical improvement

Oxygen is essential for our body and it primarily generates energy through cell respiration, a process which requires oxygen to burn ATP. During intensive physical activity, the demand for ATP is greater than the ability of our body to supply enough oxygen. As a consequence, lactic acid accumulates as a by-product of cell respiration in our body, causing muscular fatigue. Hyperbaric conditions help with reducing the amount and flushing excess lactic acid, pyruvic acid and ammonia out of muscles, whereby the recovery period after intense physical strains becomes shorter.

HBOT stimulates and enhances the activity of numerous antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and catalase (CAT).

Improved athletic performance

Oxygen is delivered to target tissues such as muscles through our blood, where it binds itself to hemoglobin in red blood cells. Physical activity increases the quantity of blood vessels in our body, enabling a quicker delivery of oxygen to its destination. Under hyperbaric conditions, the regular transport of oxygen through red blood cells is bypassed and oxygen dissolves directly into the plasma, thereby increasing our blood’s transport capacity of oxygen. HBOT can as much as double blood’s transport capacity of oxygen.

HBOT accelerates an athlete’s recovery after physical strains, which in turn allows for greater endurance and strength, thus leading to better results.

Unaprijeđene sportskih performansi

Transport kisika do ciljnog tkiva poput mišića odvija se krvlju gdje se kisik vezuje za hemoglobin u crvenim krvnim stanicama. Fizičkim treningom se povećava broj krvnih žila kojim se kisik brže može dovesti do odredišta ili se treningom na velikim visinama (zabranjeni ekvivalent je tzv „krvni doping“) povećava broj eritrocita i transportni kapacitet krvi za kisik. U uvjetima HBOT zaobilazi se transportni put kisika pomoću crvenih krvnih zrnaca i kisik se direktno topi u plazmi povećavajući na taj način transportni kapacitet krvi za kisik. HBOT omogućava da se udvostruči transportni kapacitet krvi za kisik.

U uvjetima HBOT, sportašu se od napora oporavlja brže što omogućava intenzivnija i dugotrajnija opterećenja s boljim sportskim rezultatima.

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